S.I.A.M. RAVENNA, International forwarder, is a leader in the logistics for any type of goods, handling imports, exports and transit of all agro-food products – dry, dried and fresh – which have to be shipped from production to consumption locations as fast as possible.


S.I.A.M. RAVENNA International Forwarding and Shipping Agency, founded in 1987, that has always offered economic operators an organisation which, even though using the most advanced technological and computer systems, still maintains a traditional approach based on communication and...


S.I.A.M. RAVENNA, deals with collection, insurance, transport, storage and handling in exclusive warehouses, both in Italy and abroad, and with the custody and subsequent distribution on behalf of overseas sellers of products which, for seasonal or other reasons, cannot be placed on...

S.I.A.M. Ravenna S.R.L. international freight forwarder shipping agent - ©2010
Via Magazzini Anteriori Traversa Sud, 30 - 48122 Ravenna
Tel.: (+39) 0544423966 - Fax: (+39) 0544423854 - Email:
VAT : 01034560399